This Week attendance figures


Whole School
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6

Attendance at Corpus Christi

At Corpus Christi we believe that regular and punctual attendance is crucial for children to achieve their full potential at school. Only by regular attendance can children access the quality education that is offered at school.  This is clearly stated in The Department for Education (DFE) school attendance document:

“Central to raising standards in education and ensuring all pupils can fulfil their potential is an assumption so widely understood that it is insufficiently stated – pupils need to attend school regularly to benefit from their education. Missing out on lessons leaves children vulnerable to falling behind. Children with poor attendance tend to achieve less in both primary and secondary school.”

Our aim is that our whole school attendance be in line with or above local and national figures. Our school target is 96% or higher.

We are therefore, committed to the following principles:

  • Encourage all pupils to attend school and achieve their full potential
  • Promote good attendance throughout the school, aiming for at least 96% for the academic year
  • Monitor attendance and punctuality rigorously
  • Work in partnership with parents and carers in promoting excellent attendance and punctuality

Absence Procedures

Parents/carers must:

  • Contact the school office every day of an absence before 9:00am
  • Update the school on their child’s condition and expected day of return.
  • A daily phone call and or text message is sent to the parent/carer if they have not reported their child’s absence.

If contact cannot be made with the parent/carer, a home visit may be carried out by the School Attendance team.

In the case of regular absence or continued absence, medical evidence will be required. This evidence may include:

  • A GP appointment card (name/date/time clearly stated)
  • Prescription
  • Medical Packaging
  • Medication
  • Hospital Letter/ Appointment Letter


Persistent Absence

The Department of Education definition of “persistent absence” is any child whose attendance falls below 90%.

Any child whose attendance falls below 90% is classed as a persistent absentee and will be referred to our Education Welfare Officer. This may lead to court action.

If we can provide any further support or advice, please contact the school office on 01902 866840


The school gates open t 8:30am and closes at 8:45am. All children should be in class for the close of registration at 8:45am. Any children who arrive after this time will be marked as late.

It is our responsibility to provide the best education possible. This can only be achieved if children attend regularly and on time. We expect all children to arrive at school registrations on time. Poor punctuality is not acceptable. A child arriving late disrupts learning. A build-up of lateness or unacceptable patterns of lateness over a period of time will result in further follow up investigation and action.

Below is a break down of why it is important to be punctual

Attendance Rewards

Every child, who gets 100% weekly attendance has their name put in our attendance box. The winning child gets a prize!


Meet ‘Ginny’ our attendance mascot. Each week the class with the highest attendance wins a bone to feed Ginny.  The more bones Ginny gets in her bowl, the higher the rewards for the class. Classes get to chose their own reward from: extra 10 minutes playtime, wear own clothes, play a class game etc.


For term dates please click on the below link