Remembrance Day

Our Prayer Leaders lead the school with our Remembrance Day service. They read their lines beautifully and told us many interesting facts around why we have Remembrance Day. They spoke about the importance of the 11th hour on the 11th day and the 11th month. They also spoke about the significance of wearing poppies on this special day to remember those that gave their lives to make the world a better place for us.

During our Remembrance Day service, we were joined by a special visitor – a veteran ā€“ Terry Collins from the Royal British Legion. He told us many interesting facts around his own time serving in the military. Ā He showed us how the standard is lowered whilst the Last Post is performed.

Our Year 6 children supported the Royal British Legion by selling poppies for a small donation. Each class produced some work around poppies which have been displayed in our school hall.

ā€œPoppiesā€ on CBeebies ā€“ Childrenā€™s Remembrance Day 2 minutesā€™ silence

We watched this video from CBBC and CBeebies who broadcast this 2-minute animation called ā€œpoppies2, showing war from the animalsā€™ point of view. Below is the link to this animation.