Prayer plays a central part in the life of Corpus Christi School. All classes have a focal prayer table which changes through the church’s Liturgical season. Prayer can be written, sung or spoken, can be as individuals, groups or a whole class or can be adult or child led. Pupils learn and say the following daily prayers; Morning Offering, Grace before Meals, Grace after Meals and Evening Offering.
As pupils progress across the school, they learn a wider range of traditional prayers that they are introduced to at age appropriate times, in line with Diocese expectations. For example, Reception pupils are expected to know how to make the Sign of the Cross, the Our Father and the Hail Mary as well as the four daily prayers. By Y6, pupils are learning the Prayer to the Holy Spirit and The Apostles Creed. Our prayer book can be found at the bottom of this page.
Pupils also use prayer at different times in the liturgical calendar, to reflect upon key events, such as the Stations of the Cross or the Rosary
All pupils across each phase of school contribute to leading prayer in class, evaluating RE and Catholic Life. They bear witness by living the gospel values that we expect within our school community.
Prayer of St Francis kneeling before the San Damiano Cross near Assisi
“Most High glorious God, enlighten the darkness of my heart.
Give me right faith, sure hope and perfect charity.
Fill me with understanding and knowledge that I may fulfill your command”
We expect children to learn the following prayers throughout the school:
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Children’s Prayers