Class Saints at Corpus Christi


All classes at Corpus Christi have a devotion to their own class saint.


At the start of the year the children learn about their saint and remember them in their class prayers throughout the year. Classes have a special celebration on their Saint’s feast day. The children have completed art work and written pieces to celebrate their class saints that are displayed on their classroom doors.


Class Saints


Saint Feast Day



St Stephen

December 26th


St Elizabeth Ann Seton January 4th

Year 1

St Peter

June 29th

Year 2 Saint John Henry Newman October 9th
Year 3 St. Cecilia November 22nd
Year 4 St. Gemma Galgani April 11th
Year 5 St Anthony of Padua June 13th
Year 6

Blessed Carlo Acutis


October 14th


Class displays gallery