At Corpus Christi promoting the love of reading is at the heart of everything we do and we are proud of the opportunities to help develop a love of reading. This year we celebrated World Book Day by all pupils and staff dressing as their favourite character from a book. We all had so much fun guessing which character pupils and staff had chosen as their favourite book. Take a look at some of our photographs on Dojo.
As part of World Book Day, we thought about our favourite place to read for pleasure. The list was endless but here is an example of where pupils and staff like to read for pleasure: in the bath, under the duvet, in the school outdoor area, Ashmore Park library, grandma’s house and in the car. We heard from our World Book Day author- Lenny Henry and where his favourite place is to read. Click on the link below to hear what he had to say.

Drop and Read Session
Throughout the day, when music played, every adult and pupil in school dropped what they were doing and picked up their reading for pleasure book. This happened several times throughout the day and lasted between 10 and 15 minutes. Take a look at some of our pupil voice around this Drop and Read session.
As well as our Drop and Read session we also listened to some fictional stories via digital links. Hearing from different authors was really inspirational. Pupils produced some fact files around these authors.

Understanding the text and any ambitious vocabulary was an important part of the day – as it in in all lessons. This is promoted through our Curriculum Driver understanding.

To continue to promote a love of reading below are some links to online reading. Please take time to share with your child. Together: Pupils, parents and staff, we will promote a love of reading together.