At Corpus Christi we understand that our pupils have a range of digital experiences already through their everyday lives. Therefore, we see it as our mission to prepare our children for society and future jobs, focusing on developing the skills necessary to be able to explore computing by analysing, exchanging, and presenting information in a variety of ways. By doing this our pupils will leave our school confident and computer literate. Having skills which allow them to become more creative, independent, and confident learners. Throughout the curriculum they will expand their knowledge on logic, algorithms, data representation, analysing problems, computational terms, instructions, and online safety. Our curriculum allows pupils to develop a deeper understanding of technology and the world around them, while enforcing the importance of staying safe in an expanding digital world.Computer science has become an integral part of the Computing Curriculum which allows our children to discover how algorithms (a set of instructions) work effectively using logical reasoning using inputting and debugging (finding and fixing problems). Technology is used to accomplish so many tasks and because of this, it is vital that our pupils have a secure understanding of the range of technology that is available and the drawbacks of these. It is imperative that they remain safe while doing so. Our curriculum enables children to investigate a wide range of technological equipment and develop their problem-solving skills to become confident individuals as well as staying safe online at all times.
This is supported through our curriculum drivers:
- Communication: Develop the language and vocabulary of computing to explain logical reasoning and how to stay safe online.
- Opportunity: Be prepared to try new and exciting challenges, through encountering new experiences and skills through new technology.
- Responsibility: Be responsible for identifying risks to stay safe from harm online.
- Perseverance: Learn to deal with challenging situations, developing knowledge, skills and strategies in order to manage their online experiences safely.
- Understanding: Benefits of computing discussed and promoted to incorporate activities in daily lives.
- Service: Showing respect and tolerance for others and recognise the richness of our diverse community.
- A bespoke cross curricular scheme of work that provides coverage in line with the National Curriculum.
- Access to resources which aid in the acquisition of skills and knowledge.
- Access to the hardware (computers, tablets, programmable equipment) and software that they need to develop knowledge and skills of digital systems and their applications.
- Pupils will have the opportunity to explore and respond to key issues such as digital communication, cyber-bullying, online safety, security, plagiarism, and social media.
- Parents are informed when issues relating to online safety arise and further information/support is provided if required.
- Knowledge and skills are mapped across each topic and year group to ensure systematic progression.
- Units of work have been carefully sequenced so prior knowledge and concepts are built upon to develop digital literacy, awareness of online safety and progressive knowledge of computer science.
- Online safety integrated throughout the Computing Curriculum.
- Evaluate online behaviour.
- Understand a healthy balance between ‘online world’ and ‘real life world’.
- EYFS focusing on knowledge of the world, where the children will investigate technology around them in the classroom and learn how to use technology safely.
- Pupils will be confident using new technology both at home and school.
- Pupils will have an extensive knowledge of how to remain safe online.
- Pupils will have a secure and comprehensive knowledge of the implications of technology and digital systems.
- Pupils will be able to apply the British values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect, rule of law and liberty when using digital systems.
- The curriculum results in a fun, engaging and high-quality computing education.
- Every pupil leaves school with typing skills, file management and coding skills.
- We have subject specialist staff who are passionate and confident in teaching computing and instil independence and growth into the children.
- The skills gained will help benefit them into their secondary school, further education, and future workplaces.
- It will allow the children to become critical thinkers and give them the building blocks that enable them to pursue a wider range of interest and vocations.
- Pupils to gain an extensive range of experiences and skills, which will inspire a passion for technology and interest in computing.
Online Safety 2023
Please click on the links below to find out more about our Computing planning.
Computing Documents
- 1. Computing policy pdf209.3 KbFeb 2nd, 2022
- 2. Online safety policy pdf217.9 KbJun 13th, 2023
- 3. Computing LTP.pdf pdf334.7 KbJun 13th, 2023
- 4. Curriculum Drivers in Computing pdf277.1 KbJan 11th, 2022
- 5. Computing Progression Vocabulary.pdf pdf620.2 KbJan 31st, 2023
- 6. ICT in the Early Years.pdf pdf178.6 KbJun 13th, 2023
Please view the additional documents in school:
- Computing Knowledge and Skills Progression
- Computing Vocabulary Progression
- Computing Unit Markers