Our School Vision
Curriculum Intent Statement
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary Academy is part of the St Francis and St Claire (SFSC) MAC and the Arch Diocese of Birmingham. Our Curriculum intent reflects our Catholic ethos and is underpinned by the Catholic Schools Pupil Profile (CSPP).

We aim to ensure that our pupils grow up to be the young adults that we want them to be. The SFSC MAC provides a Catholic education for children from the ages of 3 to 18 where all pupils show respect for one another and have respect for people of all faiths, race and gender.
Through our teaching of the National Curriculum we focus on developing children’s moral, spiritual, social, vocational and cultural understanding and we ensure that children are well prepared for life in modern Britain.
The curriculum at Corpus Christi is designed by subject leaders to ensure all National Curriculum requirements are met. Leaders will monitor the delivery of their subject and its impact on pupils with the aim that our pupils know more and remember more. The National Curriculum for each year group is covered through a variety of ways including enrichment days and educational visits where possible. We encourage a love of learning in our pupils and aim to provide engaging and fun opportunities that hopefully create a legacy of lifelong learning.
Knowledge and Skills progression grids ensure that pupils develop and apply the core skills for each subject area alongside deepening their knowledge and building up factual information across the unit of work. Units of work are planned to ensure that each lesson builds on prior learning and takes into account the individual needs and interests of the children.
We ensure that all groups of pupils can access a broad and balanced curriculum and use regular formative assessments to highlight and identify the children who require reasonable adjustments or interventions to fully access the curriculum.
The ability to read fluently is essential in all areas of the curriculum and Corpus Christi is determined that every pupil will learn to read, regardless of their background, needs or abilities. Fidelity to the RWI phonics programme starting in Nursery combined with direct teaching of reading comprehension skills will ensure that our children leave our school as confident readers. We also aim to develop a love of reading through daily reading opportunities and by providing a literature-rich environment.
At Corpus Christi we are fully aware of the needs of our diverse community and we have identified six ‘Curriculum Drivers’ which, alongside the CSPP, intend to support our children with the barriers that may prevent them from fully accessing the National Curriculum. Through careful planning of the curriculum, class teachers provide opportunities to develop the ‘drivers’ to ensure that the units of work meet the needs, interests and ambitions of our children and families.
Our Curriculum Drivers:

We believe that the delivery of the National Curriculum through the CSPP and our identified ‘drivers’ will ensure that the pupils at Corpus Christi Academy develop into independent, confident and resilient learners. They will be ambitious and creative and have the knowledge and skills required to continue their education and become the person we want them to be.
The curriculum is flexible and driven by our pupils’ interests and responds to local or world events and needs. We review the curriculum regularly and engage all staff in the process of continually improving the offer for our children.
End of Year Expectations
Please click here to view our End of Year Expectations for each year group.